Feel the confidence of having a team of professionals who advise you and accompany you throughout the process.
High volume high revenue car washing without the labor
The Istobal "EXPRESS ON RAILS" combines the revenue enhancing features of the Istobalconveyorized tunnels with the reliability and efficiency of the Istobal M+ rollovers in a staged drive-thru concept. This concept increases cleaning capability, value added and higher average wash tickets while increasing throughput without adding labor, labor costs or the difficulties associated with loading conveyors. The "Express On Rails" provides the revenues and profits necessary to meet the high costs associated with buying land, developing and operating car washes in the USA today!

ISTOBAL Entry Arch
Our decorative "Portico" applies presoaks & specialty chemicals to tires, wheels, rocker panels and for seasonal cleaning needs such as bug dissolvers. A time saving value enhancing service all customers see and experience.
High Pressure Blaster
High pressure blasters up to 2500 PSI are focused on cleaning and blasting the soils on the rocker panels, wheels and tires a value added service customers see and feel.
M1, FLEX5 or FLEX5 Extended Height
The M1, FLEX5 or FLEX5 Extended Height rollover is the heart of the "Express On Rails" and will utilize amperage sensing Carlite soft foam modules and contouring high pressure with counter rotating dual action wheel scrubbers to gently, thoroughly clean and polish the vehicle in as little as two minutes. Istobal technology allows for foam, high pressure, Carlite soft wash, wheel scrubbers all to be in action at the same time. Customers are impressed with the show and the cleaning is safe, gentle and efficient!
Super Wax
A decorative arch is used to apply value added revenue enhancing waxes and conditioners like RainX, Lustra and Shield type products as customers drive from the washing position. The time saving drive thru process is initiated by signage on the arch a stainless steel spot free rain effect nozzle manifold can be added to the Super Wax arch for customers whom have limited tunnel length.
Spot Free Rinse
Is applied by a stainless steel arch with a strategically designed nozzle pattern to provide a shining, spot free finish for your customers. again saving time and enhancing the value and the finished product.Tire Shiner: Can be placed between the spot free and dryer to provide that full service touch, more value for your customers without adding time to the wash process.